
I went down to the first day of the Canberra Balloon Festival yesterday morning. Skywhale  was there, one of the many hot-air balloons to take off yesterday from the lawns in front of Old Parliament House. Now, Skywhale was launched last in 2013 after artist Patricia Piccinini was commissioned by the ACT Government to help celebrate the Centenary of Canberra. The balloon tours around representing Canberra to other capital cities and regional centres and causes a stir wherever it goes. What the f*ck it has to with Canberra I simply fail to understand and overall the artwork is not to my taste ... but I do appreciate the nerve of it. I also like the way that it gets people talking about art ... the point of it ... spending public money on art et al ... it gets people talking about art and it's place in our culture and society and that is a good thing I believe.

Anyways, here's a little photo-essay on the Skywhale. Enjoy :-)